March 31, 2016

Day 1

Bright and early today, everyone was outside, watching the diggers push and pull dirt and debris, trees and stumps from the land.  I'd been granted the educational field trip I requested for Aden and Aaron, so there we all were, with blankets and lawn chairs and front row seats to a rapid landscape transition.

Earlier this school year Julia wrote a research paper on the life of Susan B. Anthony.  She learned many things about the strong woman suffragist, and today she decided to pull out one of the trivial, fun facts from her life and emulate it!  Once, as a young woman, during a season when Susan's father was building houses for the school teachers and his own family in their New York town, Susan made lemonade and gingerbread cookies for all the helpers.  Today Julia did just that!  First thing this morning, she was up baking the gingerbread she'd prepared last night to share.
Gingerbread cookies and lemonade

As the high lift and track hoe took down trees and pushed them into piles, Randy sawed the timber into logs and piled them for next year's firewood.  What he didn't keep he threw onto a huge bonfire.  I think this building project will definitely enhance his masculine physique with nice muscles!  Levi helped and I tried to keep everyone else from becoming too dirty! (HA!) 

Tomorrow is another day of dirt pushing, finishing the grading, and leveling the plot where the house will be.  Randy heads to work tomorrow, and I'll keep up here!
End of Day 1


Unknown said...

I am so excited to watch this progress. I told George I wanted to come see the progress. I want to pull up my chair and blanket and watch this exciting process!!

Into A Spacious Place said...

Come on over Dawn!!! We'd sit and watch with you! And in a few weeks, bring your hammer, no need for blankets and chairs. :)