October 14, 2008


Has it really been longer than a month already? Okay, so I've been busy. The children are out of school for a month, and I am enjoying time with them, to say the least! We've been to the park and the post office... we've cared for a praying manthis... we have plans to plant something soon. I am really thinking hard and praying about what to do when school starts again. Even though I would enjoy some extra time to myself, I know that I will miss them again. The other thing is that Levi seems to put up a fuss nearly everyday before school. I have a few ideas. Maybe if we go later in the day, say, leave at 8:30 instead of 7:30, so as to miss the worst part of his day, "Khao teew". It's when all the classes line up and sing the Thai National Anthem. Then, a teacher gives a "speech" about how the students are doing, they sing a few other songs, and then go into their classrooms. If we arrive when the students are in the classrooms, that could work. Julia might miss the songs (she can already sing the Anthem - of course the Thai words are just a bit different from the original, but...)

Randy almost has his shrimp raised to metamorphisis. Just about 2 more days, he says, then they will flip over from their upside-down position, to the upright one. It's been a very hectic time, but God has really given us grace to get through these intense seasons of craziness! I am thankful for that.

Tonight we watched fireworks. Not quite the same depth of feeling for me as when we see them on the fourth of July, but they were fireworks all the same. Today is the day Thai Buddhists celebrate the "coming out of Buddhist Lent". The children enjoyed them as we parked on a bridge over the river, where they were being put off. Very beautiful.

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