August 6, 2008

Girls Nite Out

Today was good, but a bit interesting. After taking the children to school I returned home to wait for our helper to come. Usually she comes at 9:30 and on Wednesdays I take some time to get away and spend some time alone with God. Well, today her daughter was sick, so she said she'd come at noon, after going to the Dr. ... All is well; she came at 1:30 (this is Thailand :0). I was able to have some time to myself before picking Levi and Julia up at 3:30.

I made a new meatballs recipe and noodles for Randy and the children to eat at supper. Later I hear Julia thinks it was meatloaf. Meatloaf would be easier; maybe next time I'll stick to that! Tonight was a girls nite out on the town! We celebrated Ae's (our Thai language tutor) birthday by going to a favorite, outdoor Thai restaurant by the reseravoir (?), then we topped off our fun by having ice-cream at a new little bakery called "Tea Cake". I had coffee, so I'm still wide awake. Not good, since I will be getting awake in a few hours to feed Aden!

Hey, yesterday Randy had his first shrimp! He has successfully raised a few of his "gung" to Post Larvae stage. This is exciting; a very notable accomplishment for him. Continue to pray for his project to yeild good results. He will probably go on to phase 2 next, and then return to phase 1 to give it another run. Ahhh...

Goodnight for now.

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